Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

MS is a type of neurological autoimmune inflammatory condition, meaning it is a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. MS can cause a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with walking, balance, vision, arm movement, sensation, bladder and bowel difficulties, fatigue, pain and thinking or emotional difficulties. It’s a long term condition that can sometimes cause serious disability, although it can occasionally be mild.

What can I do to keep myself well living with MS?

“ I didn’t choose to have MS, but I can choose how I live with it”
– quote from a person living with MS.

From research evidence and reports from individuals living with MS we know that maintaining good general health is really important in living well with MS. So eating a good diet, participating in activity, stopping smoking, sleeping well, moderate alcohol consumption and looking after your mental health are all important. This website has links to help guide you with such issues.

Health Board resources

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has a Specialist MS/Neuro-Inflammatory Service, The Helen Durham Centre, based in the UHW. The team support individuals in the Cardiff and Vale, and the Cwm Taff Health Board areas by providing diagnosis, modifying drug treatments, and advice/ education about living with MS. The Team is also active in MS research looking at the cause and prevention of the disease.

The team is a Medical Consultant led multi-disciplinary team comprising doctors, Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, an Occupational Therapist, a Psychologist, administrative staff, and a research team.

Initial Referral is by means of GP and other Clinical Specialist direct referral. Once known to the Team, individuals living with MS can contact the team on our answerphone service to seek advice.

More detailed and updated information regarding MS, current issues and our service can be found on the MS pages of the Cardiff and Vale UHB website.

Contact details:

Helen Durham Centre
CF14 4XW

Telephone answerphone: 029 2074 5018

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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