Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

Falls Prevention

Elderly lady enjoying an exercise class

Having a fall can have a major impact on your life, both physically and mentally. It can lead to loneliness and isolation, and can stop you doing things that you once previously enjoyed.

However, having a fall is not an inevitable part of ageing, and there is a large amount of evidence around the ways in which risks can be reduced and kept low.

Keeping well, being active and looking after our mental wellbeing are all important as we age, and will impact much wider than just reducing risks of falls. 

Reducing the risks

There are many things that we can do to help to reduce the risk of having a fall, and across Cardiff and Vale we have services and activities that can support you.

Reducing the risks of falls is a bit like a jigsaw in that a number of pieces need to be in place and work well together in order to keep risks low. Click here to see the pieces of the puzzle.


The ‘Falls Prevention Fuel Tank: When Did You Last Check Yours?’ video produced by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, uses the analogy of the fuel tank in a car, and the idea of ‘checking and topping up your tank regularly’ to help reduce the risk of falling. The fuller your tank, and the more ways in which you have reduced your risk, the less chance there will be of having a fall.

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FaME (Falls Management Exercise) Programme

Exercise is strongly associated with reducing falls risks. FaME is an exercise programme which is shown to improve strength, balance and stability, and therefore reduce the risk of falls. It is delivered in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan by specialist qualified exercise instructors in small group classes, and the classes are tailored to the abilities of individuals.

The programme runs once a week for 24 weeks, and individuals progress during the programme to develop their strength, have more confidence and feel steadier on their feet. Generally our FaME programmes are delivered in community venues, and are also a great way to socialise with others in a small group.

Falls Management Exercise programme
Falls Management Exercise programme

Exercise is strongly associated with reducing falls risks. FaME is an exercise programme which is shown to improve strength, balance and stability, and therefore reduce the risk of falls. It is delivered in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan by specialist qualified exercise instructors in small group classes, and the classes are tailored to the abilities of individuals.

The programme runs once a week for 24 weeks, and individuals progress during the programme to develop their strength, have more confidence and feel steadier on their feet. Generally our FaME programmes are delivered in community venues, and are also a great way to socialise with others in a small group.

Stay Steady Service

In Cardiff and Vale we have a falls specialist team who offer comprehensive assessments for individuals who may be at risk of falling. Individuals can undergo a ‘fitness MOT’, have a detailed assessment of their potential falls risks and receive advice on how to maintain strength, balance and general health as they get older.

The team offer face to face appointments in the community, or over the phone or video link. Just call the team on 02921 832552 or email and the team will get in touch with you within a few days.

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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