Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

My Physical Recovery from COVID-19

Being active in addition to good nutrition and rest is essential in helping you recover from COVID-19.

At Cardiff and Vale University Health Board we advocate taking a ‘pacing’ approach to managing your return to physical health.

Pacing focuses on taking small steps towards your activity goal, starting with simple activities over short periods of time and gradually increasing the difficulty and duration of them.

If you have been diagnosed with Long-COVID, or think you may have Long-COVID, it is important to seek advice from a health professional before starting any graded exercise therapy programme as you may need supervised or guided therapy to help with your rehabilitation.

Recovery for most people means finding your current level, practicing until you feel comfortable, and then making small changes. Everybody’s starting point is different and the size of the changes that people can manage will differ between individuals for many reasons, including previous level of activity or any pre-existing health problems.

It is important to complete activities at the right level. If you overexert yourself you risk suffering setbacks such as injury or fatigue. If in doubt, start low and build slowly.

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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