Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

Eating Well

Eating a healthy and balanced diet plays an important role in looking after our own health, wellbeing and maintaining physical activity.

Group of people

In this video Marie Price, a Public Health Dietician for Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, explains the principles of the Eatwell guide. 

Many of us are spending more time indoors and going through changes to the way we live and connect with others. 

Thankfully, ensuring that we are eating and drinking as well as we can is something that we are able to control during these uncertain times, which is one important way to take care of both our bodies and minds.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.

Our bodies make vitamin D under our skin when we are outside in daylight. Even a healthy, well balanced diet that provides all the other vitamins and goodness you need is unlikely to provide enough vitamin D.

In the winter months especially, when many of us spend more time indoors, we may struggle to produce enough Vitamin D naturally. Find out more from the Association of UK Dietitians about how to ensure you get enough Vitamin D, or watch the following video.

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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