Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

COVID-19 and my Mental Wellbeing

Feeling stressed or anxious is normal during your recovery from COVID-19, while you are shielding, or if you are coping with a medical issue or disability during this uncertain time. Stress and anxiety can have an effect on how you physically feel and make you feel more fatigued or tired.

It is important to recognise when you are feeling stressed or anxious so that you are able to take positive steps to manage your feelings.

The following websites offer you advice and support on how to manage these feelings:

If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or struggling to cope please contact your GP who may refer you to the relevant healthcare professional.

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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We’re currently working to improve the Keeping Me Well website. If you’d like to help us make this site a better, more helpful experience for you, please take a few minutes to let us know what improvements you’d like to see.

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