Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital


  • Do you suspect a broken bone?
  • Are you unable to weight bear, walk, and move the injured part?

If you answered yes to either of these call NHS 111.

  • Do you have a painful, hot swollen joint?
  • Are you experiencing a sudden or rapidly progressing weakness in one or more parts of your body – with or without a change in sensation eg pins and needles or numbness

If you answered yes to any of these call your GP today.

Do you have any difficulty passing urine or feeling you cannot empty your bladder fully, bowel incontinence (soiling yourself) or numbness around your anus (back passage) or genitals.

If you answered yes to either of these call NHS 111.

If you’ve answered NO to all of these,
our self help guide should be able to help you find the right help.

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Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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