Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

Hip Pain in Children

How does the hip work?

Your hip is a very stable and strong joint. It is known as a ball-and-socket joint. This is because the top of the thigh bone (the femur) is shaped like a ball. This ‘ball’ sits inside a hollow socket in your pelvis. Ball-and-socket joints give the most movement of all the different types of joints in the body.

Diagram of the hip joint with labelling of different bones and joints / Diagram o gymal y glun gyda’r esgyrn a’r cymalau gwahanol wedi’u labelu.

The hip joint gets stability from a strong covering of muscles, tendons and ligaments. The socket is also made deeper by an extra rim, called the labrum, increasing the stability.

The hip muscles help move the joint, supporting your leg and upper body movement. The hip joint allows you to move your leg forwards, backwards, out to the side, across your body as well as rotating. A layer of cartilage on the surface of the bones allows smooth movement and acts as a shock absorber.

As the hip joint is very deep and there is a lot of muscle support, it is usually very stable.

If your child is limping and develops any of the following signs you should urgently call 111 who will triage if your child needs urgent care:

  • Sudden onset pain in their hip, thigh or knee
  • Unable to put any weight on their leg to stand or walk
  • The leg has changed shape or is pointing at an odd angle
  • Generally unwell with a high temperature, feeling hot and shivery
  • Severe pain in the lower part of their tummy
  • Symptoms are getting worse

Further information

If you have any concerns or queries about your child’s recovery please contact Dolphin Outpatients on 02921 847577.

If your child does not have an appointment arranged with physio and symptoms continue or are not improving gradually, then you can self-refer your child to the Paediatric physiotherapy outpatient department by telephoning our referral line on 02921 836908.

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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