Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

Medical physiotherapy

Medicine is a speciality that covers a wide range of services across Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, for example A&E, medical admissions units, Older Persons Short Stay Unit (OPSSU), acute and rehabilitation wards.

The multi-disciplinary teams on these wards work with patients with many complex conditions and illnesses. Many of these patients are those with advancing age and frailty. Therefore, therapists who work in this area are often specialists in supporting those with conditions associated with frailty such as falls, reduced mobility, infections and dementia. 

Physiotherapists will work with patients as early as possible to reduce the risk of deconditioning (decreased mobility, fitness and strength) and the length of their stay in hospital. Physiotherapists will help patients to achieve their goals and regain the best possible level of independence, to enable them to go home. 

If appropriate, patients will be referred onto community services to support them to continue to recover at home and to help prevent future readmissions to hospital.

Recovering in hospital:

During a patient stay in hospital it is important to maintain a daily routine as much as possible. This includes patients getting out of bed, wearing their own clothes and having access to personal belongings. 

If you currently have a relative or friend in hospital, you can help support their rehabilitation and recovery by providing necessary items for their hospital stay, you can find a list of useful items here.

Keeping Me Well - Cardiff and Vale University Hospital

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